Workshop onDr Howard Thurman (1899-1981)
In Observance of Black History Month
The “Inhabit the Garden” Centering Prayer Group
And Trinity United Methodist Church
4150 South Shade Ave, Sarasota 34231
Invite You to a Workshop on
Dr Howard Thurman (1899-1981)
Florida born and raised Mystic and Prophet
Saturday 22 February 9 AM to Noon
He was born the grandson of slaves. Thurman became a “spiritual foundation” for the Civil Rights movement. He inspired many, including Martin Luther King, Jr.
He was the first Black American invited to meet Mohandas Gandhi. Thurman accepted Gandhi’s challenge to translate his principles of non-violence into his African American experience.
Our morning will include learning about his life and ongoing significance. We will use his voice to lead us in praying in silence, interacting with a sample of his meditations.
In The Inward Journey, Thurman writes:
“… the Spirit moves into the region
of the Great Silence … .Here God
speaks without words and the self
listens without ears.”
Registration and Questions:
Stephen and Christine Hoffman
or 941-773-7008
The “Inhabit the Garden” Centering Prayer Group
Would like to Invite You
A Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
Monday 20 January 2025
From 9 AM until Noon
In Haley Hall
Trinity United Methodist Church
4150 South Shade Avenue, Sarasota 34231
“For God alone my soul waits in silence.”
Psalm 62:1
The workshop will consist of four conferences:
Prayer as Relationship
The Method
Thoughts and the use of the Sacred Word
Deepening Your Practice
There will be two periods to practice Centering Prayer.
Stephen and Christine Hoffman have been commissioned by Contemplative Outreach to present this workshop. They serve on the Presenter Formation Service Team of Contemplative Outreach. Stephen is a retired United Methodist Clergy and Christine is a retired University Professor of Theology and Religious Studies.
Registration is helpful but not required.
Contact Stephen and Christine at Stephen_palmetto@earthlink.net or 941-773-7008.
The Inhabit the Garden Centering Prayer Group is grateful to be able to meet in the Garden of Hope at Trinity each Friday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. They have been meeting weekly in this location since July 2020.
The Welcoming Prayer with Mary Dwyer
The Welcoming Prayer Workshop
Connecting the Consent of Centering Prayer with Daily Life
with international speaker Mary Dwyer
hosted by St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
Please register below:
“The Welcoming Prayer is a method of consenting to God’s presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations in daily life. The Welcoming Prayer helps to dismantle acquired emotional programs and to heal the wounds of a lifetime by addressing them where they are stored—in the body. It contributes to the process of transformation in Christ initiated in Centering Prayer” (www.contemplativeoutreach.org).
About Mary Dwyer: Mary Dwyer is a long-time student of Fr. Thomas Keating and has been practicing Centering Prayer since the 1980s. In the early 1990’s, she lived at Chrysalis House, a contemplative live-in community experiment blessed by Fr. Thomas. Her housemates included Mary Mrozowski, David Frenette, and Cathy McCarthy. The community lived according to a rule of life and became an incubator of practice and programs in the early years of Contemplative Outreach’s growth. Her experience at Chrysalis House – what she refers to as her “inpatient” or “residential treatment time” – proved to her that a life of prayer, consent, and practice is real, stable, and deeply rewarding. Mary Mrozowski taught her that a devoted life of prayer was the real work of life; what we did the rest of the time was just how we made a living.
Mary received her undergraduate degree in economics from Georgetown University and spent some time as a banker and college administrator. After her time at Chrysalis House, she returned to school, became a licensed clinical social worker, and practiced this vocation for the next 15 years while maintaining her commitment to the contemplative life and the mission of Contemplative Outreach. In 2008 she met her beloved Juan through the Living Flame program. She moved to Miami, FL in 2009 where they married. After Juan retired, they moved to Erie, PA in July 2018.
Mary is currently in private practice as an LCSW in the Erie area. She also serves as a member of the Gift Committee and the Welcoming Prayer Service Team of Contemplative Outreach. She previously served as Chairperson of the Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. Governing Board; member of the Contemplative Outreach Faculty; and Coordinator for the Living Flame program and Coordinator of the Miami Chapter. Mary now devotes her time between private practice and giving retreats and workshops on behalf of Contemplative Outreach throughout the U.S. and internationally.
Introduction to Centering Prayer
Join Us This Advent For An Introduction To Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer, in the Christian Contemplative tradition. In silence, we simply “rest” in God’s presence, beyond thoughts, feelings or concepts. As with all forms of prayer, Centering Prayer is intended to facilitate a deeper relationship with God.
TO RSVP: Please contact Bob Ferkenhoff bferken@verizon.net (941-350-6920) or Noreen Delaney Polidoro noreen@joveagency.com (941-228-1799)
Fr. Bill Sheehan Retreat Day
Centering Prayer Retreat Day:
Getting Back to the Basics
of the Practice of Centering Prayer
with Fr. Bill Sheehan
Saturday, October 26, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Check-in at 8:30)
St. Alfred’s Episcopal Church, 1601 Curlew Rd., Palm Harbor, FL
Fr. Bill Sheehan’s discussions on “getting back to basics” will include an overview of Thomas Keating’s development of Centering Prayer in a psychological context and Fr. Thomas’s insights on the need for a spiritual practice in order to open the mind and heart to the “secret room” (Mt. 6:6) where the awareness of God’s continuous, unconditional love unfolds and manifests.
No matter your level of experience in Centering Prayer, you’ll find Fr. Bill’s talks to be extremely helpful, timely, and enjoyable.
About Fr. Bill Sheehan: Father Bill Sheehan has broad experience in pastoral ministry as a pastor and in marriage counseling. He also served in the Office of Lay Ministry, Archdiocese of Miami, Florida. He has ministered to clergy as Director of Ministry to Priests, Archdiocese of Miami, Florida and has served as provincial of the Oblates Eastern America Province as well as Oblate Formation Director and Novice Director.
Since 1983, Fr. Sheehan has been involved with Contemplative Outreach. During that time, he has led many Centering Prayer workshops and retreats in different parts of the country. He has facilitated many events for COTB over the years.
In the last several years, he has participated in 11th Step Retreats bringing to this retreat experience, the practice of Centering Prayer as well as the Welcoming Prayer practice. This year he will be a keynote speaker at the 40th Anniversary Conference of Contemplative Outreach Worldwide.
Fr. Sheehan has a master’s degree in Formative Spirituality from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Suggested Donation: $25.00 (payable in check or cash at the event)
Continental breakfast and a sandwich lunch will be provided.
Please register below:
Lectio Divina Intro Workshop
Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading) is an ancient prayer practice of listening to the word of God in Scripture at ever deepening levels.
In addition to a presentation, there will be two prayer periods in which we will practice and experience one of the great treasures in our Christian tradition.
This event is free of charge but please let us know you are coming so we will have enough coffee and snacks!
St. Thomas More Church In the Spirit Center
2506 Gulf Gate Drive
Sarasota, FL 34231
Contact Noreen Delaney Polidoro at noreen@joveagency.com, 941-228-1799
Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
Consider adding a new prayer practice to your Lenten Journey this year!
Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer, in the Christian Contemplative tradition. In silence, we simply “rest” in God, beyond thoughts, feelings and concepts. As with all forms of prayer, Centering Prayer is intended to facilitate a deeper relationship with God.
Bob Ferkenhoff bferken@verizon.net (941-350-6920)
Noreen Delaney Polidoro noreen@joveagency.com (941-228-1799)
Please provide both your email and cell contact info so we can provide you updates on the workshop.
The Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop familiarizes participants with the method of Centering Prayer and offers two opportunities to practice the prayer. The program will be led by Contemplative Outreach trained presenters.