Since the 1980s, Contemplative Outreach of Tampa Bay has been an active chapter of Contemplative Outreach, LTD. As a chapter, we are an unincorporated, non-profit volunteer association of individuals. We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer.
Our Purpose
Our fundamental purpose is to further the knowledge and experience of God’s love in the consciousness of the human family. Contemplative Outreach provides basic instruction in Centering Prayer and additional programs to sustain the development in contemplation and the process of transformation.
“Contemplative Outreach, as a community, is a living organism that is interactive, interconnected, interdependent, and dynamic. It aspires to function without a hierarchical structure and is designed to share Centering Prayer and its contemplative vision as widely as possible.”
— from the Guidelines for Contemplative Outreach Service with Commentary